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Tel 48 530 339 040. Kore is a brand of an internationally renowned Finnish wood products specialist, Koskisen Oy, whose customers are amongst other the construction, joinery and transportation industry. Sign up to receive Koskisen news.
Internationally renowned Finnish wood products specialist, whose customers are amongst other the construction, joinery and transportation industry. Read more news in English. 18,000 logs a day. Over the Atlantic with a small boat. Treating stumps helps prevent the spread of root rot in Finland. Puh 358 20 553 41. Fax 358 20 553 4294. Puh 358 20 553 41. Fax 358 20 553 4294. KoskiBirchUp - Декоративные клееные многослойные панели.
We produce Finnish sawn timber, processed timber, planed goods and painted external cladding panels processed from spruce and pine for use in the construction and joinery industries. Our innovative production technology enables us to offer a broad selection of standard and customised chipboards for use in the furniture and construction industries. We manufacture high-quality aircraft plywood, sawn birch goods, birch veneer, and glue-laminated birch products for use in the furniture and joinery industries.
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Krannich Solar est le .